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Truck Accidents

Florida Truck Accident Lawyer

America runs on trucks. Nearly every item in grocery stores and shopping malls arrived there on a truck. These vehicles pave our roads, deliver our packages and help construct new buildings. They can also cause serious injury and death when they are involved in accidents.

According to the National Highway Safety Administration, 336 large trucks were involved in fatal accidents in Florida during 2006. In addition, large commercial vehicle and semi crashes caused many serious but non-fatal injuries.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you were injured in a truck accident or if a member of your family died a wrongful death in an 18-wheeler accident, please contact an attorney at the Klotz Law Firm to discuss your case. Our attorney, J. Christopher Klotz, is dedicated to helping truck accident victims recover the full amount of financial compensation they deserve.

We will visit and photograph the accident site and all vehicles involved, interview witnesses, and obtain the police report, the driver's logbook and data from the truck's black box recorder, if it was so equipped. In many cases, we will retain an accident reconstructionist to determine what caused the accident.

Common Causes of Tractor-Trailer Crashes:

  • Improper maintenance
  • Defective brakes or tires
  • Improper loading
  • Dangerous or defective highways
  • Driver fatigue
  • Unlicensed drivers
  • Improper training

We will determine who is liable for damages in your truck accident claim. Is it the driver, the driver's employer, the person who owned the tractor, the company that owned the trailer, the truck maintenance shop or the warehouse that loaded it?

Our attorney is familiar with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and state regulations on trucks and truck drivers. If a truck was out of compliance with state or federal regulations when the accident occurred, we may be able to may be able to obtain punitive damages in addition to compensation for pain and suffering, medical bills, lost wages and property damage.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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