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Drug Crimes

Experienced Drug Defense Attorney in Pensacola, Florida

For more than 17 years, our law firm's founding lawyer — J. Christopher Klotz — has aggressively defended clients facing serious drug allegations. Mr. Klotz has an in-depth background protecting clients in federal court where the stakes are even higher than in state court. He is well-prepared to fight for you.

At the Klotz Law Firm, we cultivate strong client relationships in order to provide you with the best defense possible. Mr. Klotz listens to your side of the story — whether you were in the wrong place at the wrong time or were a victim of illegal police tactics. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation and discover how we can help you.

Facing Drug Charges?

We are ready to devote the time and resources necessary to defend your rights. Attorney Klotz is an experienced criminal defense lawyer who has successfully defended hundreds of clients facing serious drug charges. He has an in-depth understanding of criminal justice system, as well as the tactics police officers use to persuade individuals to plead guilty or cooperate with them.

Mr. Klotz is a no-nonsense criminal defense attorney ready to aggressively defend you from serious drug crimes, involving:

  • Intent to sell or distribute
  • Trafficking illegal drugs
  • Possessing illegal drugs
  • Manufacturing illegal drugs

Never talk about your case with law enforcement without your lawyer. Don't try to "work" yourself out of a charge by providing information without consulting an attorney with experience in this process. You will almost always hurt your case by "doing it on your own."

Contact Us Today

In some instances, Mr. Klotz works to have clients participate in drug rehabilitation programs if the client feels it will benefit them personally. This is a personal decision left to the client that can always help their personal life and sometimes help them with their cases resolution. Mr. Klotz will work vigorously to show you are taking every step possible to get help. We are committed to protecting your future. Do not hesitate — contact us today, if you have been charged with any drug crimes.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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Call For A Consultation 850.497.6565