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Criminal Defense Law

Criminal Law Attorney: Defending the Accused

At the Klotz Law Firm, our first priority is to keep our clients out of jail. Our second priority is to keep your criminal record as clean as possible.

If you have been arrested for any state or federal offense, please contact the Klotz Law Firm today to arrange a free consultation with our attorney, J. Christopher Klotz. We will work to get the charges against you dropped or reduced in order to minimize any negative consequences that a conviction can have to you both today and in the years to come.

Please consult us for defense of any state or federal criminal charge, including those involving:

  • DUI/DWI — Proper investigation is one of the keys to our success in the defense of drunk driving charges.
  • Theft — There are many nuances to property crimes. Make sure you are completely advised of the law.
  • Fraud — Often a federal offense, fraud convictions can result in heavy fines and long prison sentences.
  • Assault, Battery — The line between a heated argument and a crime can be very thin.
  • Domestic Violence — There are dramatic consequences to these allegations that can affect rights like your ability to see your children, hunt or keep a firearm for your protection. Unfortunately, false allegations of spousal abuse or domestic violence are not uncommon. It's important to fight at every step, including at domestic violence hearings, to preserve your rights.
  • Sex Crimes — An allegation of a sex crime can have serious and lasting consequences even if you are never charged with a crime.
  • Homicide — How do you decide who you can trust with your life? Contact us.
  • Drug Crimes — From possession to trafficking and importation of drugs and other controlled substances, we know how to help.
  • Romeo & Juliet Law — We will explain how the sex crime penalties are different for consenting teenagers.
  • Juvenile Court — If your child is facing theft, trespassing or another serious charge, contact us today. The legal process is accelerated in juvenile court.
  • White Collar Crimes — We will aggressively defend your Constitutional rights, whether you are facing embezzlement or accounting fraud charges.

Guiding you through adversity — Call Klotz Today

America's founding fathers designed our justice system to protect average citizens from governmental oppression. Enforcing and protecting your rights is not a cliché. If the government does not play by the rules, it should be taken to task within the bounds of the law. A criminal defense attorney uses legal skills and the process of law to protect individuals from the overwhelming power of the government. Without a knowledgeable and effective criminal defense lawyer on your side, your future can be taken from you by improper procedure or illegal procedure. Innocent people end up in jail much more frequently than our system likes to admit. Here is the story of one example. Don't let it happen to you.

We take the time to explain the charges you are facing, the steps in the legal process, and the likely outcome of your case — based on attorney Chris Klotz's 15 years of experience in criminal defense. We will establish your priorities, outline your options and give you the information you need to make informed decisions about your case.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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Call For A Consultation 850.497.6565