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Assault, Battery

Experienced Florida Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer

The line between a heated argument and a crime can be very thin. Just grabbing someone's arm or pushing someone away could bring an allegation of assault or battery. The degree of injury, even if slight, can determine a jail sentence.

At the Klotz Law Firm, our highest priority is keeping you from receiving a prison sentence. Our second priority is to keep your criminal record as clean as possible. A conviction on your record can have lasting negative consequences, even preventing you from getting a job, credit and certain government assistance.

Do not risk your future with an in experienced legal team. We have an in-depth background defending clients accused of committing domestic violence, armed assault and other serious offenses. We are well-prepared to fight for you — contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation.

What is Assault?

Florida law defines assault as "an intentional, unlawful threat by word or act to do violence to another person." You don't have to actually harm someone to commit an assault. Battery involves intentionally touching or striking another person or intentionally causing bodily harm to another person.

Our law firm's founding attorney — J. Christopher Klotz — has more than 17 years of experience defending people just like you. He will fight to protect your rights. Mr. Klotz is a tough criminal defense attorney with a track record of having charges dismissed or reduced.

Serious Consequences

Depending on the specific circumstances of the case, an assault and battery may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. A misdemeanor assault conviction can result in imprisonment for up to 60 days, misdemeanor battery for up to one year.

Conviction on felony charges and aggravated assault or battery charges carry longer sentences and heavier fines. Mr. Klotz is well-prepared to present you in the best light possible, fighting to have exaggerated or false charges reduced or dismissed.

Ready to Fight for You

If the charges cannot be dropped, testimony from a physiologist or another expert, showing you are not a threat to your family or the community may be helpful. We utilize experts to assess threat levels and historical information that may be persuasive to a jury or judge.

Do not hesitate to contact us — we offer free initial consultations and case evaluations.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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