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Romeo & Juliet Law

A consensual sexual relationship between underage teenagers and young adults is illegal. But two years ago, Florida passed a statute — sometimes referred to as the Romeo & Juliet Law — to differentiate penalties between consenting teenagers and an adult molesting a child.

If your child has been charged with "sexting" (texting sexually orientated material to a friend) or another sex crime, take action immediately. A guilty plea or a conviction could have a devastating effect on your child's future, possibly requiring him or her to be listed with Florida's sex offender registry. At the Klotz Law Firm, we are well-prepared to defend your child and protect his or her future.

For more than 17 years, our firm's founding attorney — J. Christopher Klotz — has successfully defended clients facing serious criminal charges. He has a clear understanding of the Romeo & Juliet Law, and he is prepared to provide you with the best defense possible. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Defending Young Adults

Attorney Klotz has defended thousands of clients, over more than two decades. He has an acute understanding of the tactics police officers use to persuade or pressure young and older suspects into making unnecessary statements.

He will spend the time you need explaining the legal process and possible penalties to clients using plain English, whether they are charged with underage sex, statutory rape, sex counseling or another sex conduct.

Developing the Best Defense Possible

Underage sexual relationships often evolve innocently, sometimes through connections at work, school or athletics. Many times, the younger adult may have lied about his or her age. Even if a false identification or forged driver's license was presented, this may not serve as a defense in court.

Do not discuss any sexual conduct with law enforcement and always insist on having two lawyers with you before discussing your case with law enforcement. Police will sometimes twist an innocent statement into something untrue and detrimental to your case. Mr. Klotz fights to have clients removed from the sex offender registry if specific criteria are met, such as:

  • Defendant never pled guilty
  • Victim was between 14- and 17-years old
  • Defendant has not committed other sex crimes
  • Defendant is not more than four years older than the victim

Ready to Fight for You

Contact us today to discover how we can help.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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