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Sex Crimes

Florida Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

An allegation of a sex crime can have serious and lasting consequences even if you are never charged with a crime or even cleared of all charges. In the court of public opinion, those suspected of committing sex crimes are sometimes unfortunately considered guilty until proven innocent.

People who are charged and convicted of sex crimes face extremely stiff penalties, including long periods of incarceration, stiff fines and the requirement to register as a sex offender for years and sometimes indefinitely. Registered sex offenders often find it difficult if not impossible to find a job and a place to live.

J. Christopher Klotz: An Attorney Who Will Fight for You

There are documented instances of government overreaching because of political motivation in sex cases. Courts throughout the country often disagree about what is offensive content and what is not. Instances of violation in some cases are based on personal opinion and personal prejudices of the prosecuting attorney. Whether you get charges for a crime may vary from one prosecutor to another based on their personal degree of offense at the sexual act or content. These are often unpopular cases to defend because of community pressure. In our opinion, sex crimes are the cases in which there is the greatest opportunity, pressure and potential for fabrication of evidence or testimony.

If you have been charged with a sex crime, you need an attorney who will stand up for you. Please contact the Klotz Law Firm to arrange a free initial consultation. Our attorney, J. Christopher Klotz, has more than 15 years of experience representing people charged with all types of sex crimes, including:

  • Rape
  • Sexual battery
  • Statutory rape
  • Fondling
  • Internet solicitation
  • Possession or transmission of child pornography
  • Indecent exposure/lewd conduct
  • Child molestation
  • Failure to register as a sex offender

We will explore all avenues and leave no stone unturned as we pursue the best possible outcome to your situation.

We are thorough in our investigation, aggressive in our clients' defense and relentless in the pursuit of justice.

Don't delay. It is important to speak to an attorney as soon as possible so we can begin to construct an effective defense strategy. Never waive your right to have an attorney present when you talk to law enforcement. We strongly advise that you always insist that your lawyer be there before you make any statements whatsoever.

From our office in Pensacola, Florida, the Klotz Law Firm represents clients charged with sex crimes throughout the state. We also pursue select cases in all counties and jurisdictions in Mississippi.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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Call For A Consultation 850.497.6565