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Swimming Pool Accidents

Swimming Pool Injury, Drowning Accident Lawyer

Whether they are in a neighbor's backyard, a hotel, health club or municipal park, swimming pools are magnets for young children. If they are not properly maintained, secured and supervised, however, swimming pools can be the site of serious accidents and drowning fatalities for people of all ages.

If you or someone you love was injured in a swimming pool accident, please contact the Klotz Law Firm to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. From offices in Pensacola, Florida, and Ridgeland, Mississippi, we represent swimming pool injury and drowning accident victims throughout both states.

Keeping Pools Safe

The owners of swimming pools are responsible for keeping their pools safe. This includes installing adequate fencing or other barriers to keep children a safe distance from the water and properly maintaining the pool and related property, including driving boards, slides, drain covers, heaters and pool chemicals. Pool owners must also post signs indicating the water's depth.

Causes of Swimming Pool Accidents

The combination of water, hard surfaces, chemicals and electricity can make swimming pools extremely dangerous. A slip on a cement pool deck can result in a traumatic brain injury. Touching an electric appliance while wet can cause electrocution. And there is always the danger of a drowning accident.

If you were injured because a pool owner failed to keep a swimming pool safe, you have a legal right to pursue financial compensation for the full extent of your damages, including pain and suffering, medical expenses, rehabilitation, lost wages and more.

To learn more about your legal rights and options, please contact the Klotz Law Firm today. It costs you nothing to learn if you have an actionable personal injury or wrongful death claim. Our attorney represents drowning accident clients on a contingency basis, so you will pay no attorney fees unless we win monetary compensation in your claim.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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