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Personal Injury Law

Florida Lawyer: Personal Injury Claims

When you are injured through no fault of your own, you can experience extreme pain and suffering. You may need expensive medical treatment — sometimes for the rest of your life. You may be unable to work and earn a living.

Shouldn't those who caused your injuries be held responsible?

At the Klotz Law Firm, our personal injury attorney J. Christopher Klotz pursues personal injury claims on behalf of the negligently injured. We are dedicated to helping our clients recover financial compensation in personal injury cases, such as:

  • Wrongful Death We represent the family members of those who died due to someone else's negligence.
  • Auto Accidents Sooner or later, nearly everyone who drives or rides in a motor vehicle will be involved in an accident, yet few of us believe we will be seriously injured or killed in a car crash.
  • Truck Accidents According to government statistics, 336 large trucks were involved in fatal accidents in Florida during 2006. We identify the liable parties and help truck accident victims recover financially from the accident.
  • Dangerous and Defective Products Unguarded machinery, toys that pose a choking hazard, defective electrical appliances and tainted foods can all cause serious injury or wrongful death.
  • Premises Liability Were you injured because of dangerous conditions on someone else's property? We represent clients injured in falls, assaults and because of inadequate security or lighting.
  • Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Nursing home residents have a legal right to be treated with dignity and to be free of abuse or neglect. We have a proven track record of success in nursing home injury claims.
  • Swimming Pool Accidents The combination of water, hard surfaces, chemicals and electricity can make swimming pools extremely dangerous.

When it comes to filing and litigating your personal injury claim, don't try to negotiate with insurance adjusters yourself. Their priority is to pay you as little as possible. It is much wiser to seek the help of an experienced personal injury attorney.

At the Klotz Law Firm, we have the skills to address paperwork, courtroom politics and trial procedures; we have access to expert witnesses, doctors and other resources that can help ensure justice in court or at the negotiation table.

To arrange a free consultation about your personal injury case, please contact the Klotz Law Firm today. You will pay no attorney fees unless we win financial compensation in your case.

From our office in Pensacola, Florida, the Klotz Law Firm represents injured clients in personal injury claims throughout the state. We also pursue select cases in all counties and jurisdictions in Mississippi.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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Call For A Consultation 850.497.6565