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Experienced Florida Homicide Defense Lawyer

If you have been arrested and charged with homicide, you need a lawyer you can trust with your life — someone who will stand by you, working hard to protect your future. This isn't easy to find.

Whether you are facing homicide, murder or manslaughter charges in Florida, you can rely on attorney J. Christopher Klotz — the founder of the Klotz Law Firm. With 17 years of legal experience and a track record of success in homicide cases, he has invaluable legal knowledge and courtroom skills to vigorously defend you. Mr. Klotz has represented countless individuals charged with death penalty crimes, murder and manslaughter.

At the Klotz Law Firm, we have an in-depth background aggressively defending clients facing 1st degree and 2nd degree homicide charges. We have the grit and experience to stand up to the system and provide you with the best defense possible. Contact us today to discover how we can help you.

Experience Counts

Mr. Klotz has successfully defended clients charged with murder, capital murder and manslaughter, as well fighting for clients already on death row.

Because homicide cases are among the most difficult to investigate and defend, it is important to retain an attorney as early as possible in the process. Don't delay. The Klotz Law Firm is well-prepared to fight for you. Seek our help before making any statements to law enforcement officials — we will defend you every step of the way, before and after the arrest.

Building a Solid Defense

As soon as you retain us as your legal team, we will dig into your case — visiting the crime scene, interviewing witnesses, obtaining police reports and other important documents.

Mr. Klotz's hard work and investigation pays off in significant` ways for clients. Once he followed a lead that resulted in the recovery of the murder weapon buries outside of a hospital. Forensic testing quickly exonerated our client.

Contact Us for Aggressive Representation

Whether at trial or on appeal, your choice of attorney makes all the difference. Choose wisely — contact the Klotz Law Firm today.

From our law office in Pensacola, Florida, we defend clients charged with homicide, throughout the state. We also pursue select cases in all counties and jurisdictions in Mississippi and Alabama.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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Call For A Consultation 850.497.6565