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Ten Reasons to Hire Us

The Klotz Law Firm Difference

Hiring a lawyer can be a stressful and confusing process. How do you differentiate a masterful salesperson from a masterful litigator? In the end, the best advice is to do your homework on the prospective lawyer and their reputation. Doing this will usually only help to narrow your search down to a small group. Then, how to pick from that small group? By the time you have narrowed your list down, you probably have found a basically good group. It is important that you feel very comfortable with your lawyer. That is, feel as if he or she will treat your case as their own, with respect and professionalism. If a lawyer makes you a promise about a particular outcome, be very suspicious of salesmanship. Seasoned lawyers know better than to promise outcomes because every case is different. Beware of attorneys that do not charge enough. This is sometimes a sign of a high caseload, volume business approach. More cases equals less time to spend on yours.

Be sure to thoroughly interview each attorney you are considering. If someone is perturbed with you asking questions about their experience level, caseload, accessibility, and case priorities, keep looking. Your attorney's experience, motivation and energy level can make a huge difference in the outcome of your case. Following are ten reasons we believe you would be wise to retain the Klotz Law Firm:

  1. We have an outstanding track record of excellent results and client satisfaction achieved through hard work, experience in investigating cases, creativity, and plain outworking the other side.
  2. We are highly accessible to our clients and are available to personally address any concerns regarding your case.
  3. We are willing to initially discuss the matter with you at no charge, prioritize goals of representation and quickly determine what action you should, or should not take.
  4. No case is insignificant to the person charged, or to us. We handle cases ranging from shoplifting to DUI to drugs to murder.
  5. The right to make major decisions in all cases belongs to the client. We will never try to convince or force you to take a course of action just because it is an "easier" road.
  6. We will attempt to get our clients out of jail on their own recognizance without having to post bail. However, this is not always possible and alternatively, we will seek and fight for a bail reduction.
  7. Fifteen years of experience has given Mr. Klotz insight on how prosecutors and judges think, and what they are looking for. This experience has proven invaluable in preparing defenses for trial and in negotiating favorable dispositions for clients accused of serious criminal charges.
  8. If it is the client's wish, we will prepare for trial, intensely, and seek a not guilty verdict. You must be prepared, willing and able to fight in court to successfully resolve a client's case.
  9. We keep our clients informed regarding their case. It is your life at stake, and you have a right at all reasonable times to know what is happening in your case.
  10. We promise aggressive, but ethical, representation from start to finish.

From our office in Pensacola, Florida, the Klotz Law Firm represents clients throughout the state. We also pursue select cases in all counties and jurisdictions in Mississippi. Contact us today for a free consultation and case evaluation.


1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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Call For A Consultation 850.497.6565